Breeder Referral
Breeder Referral
Breeder Listings
We suggest puppy buyers exercise care in selecting any Siberian Husky puppy, including requiring parents be OFA (hips) and CAER/SHOR (eyes) cleared of hereditary defects. For more information about hereditary defects and how to avoid them, click here. You should check with the individual breeders regarding the terms of any warranties or guarantees that they may offer on their animals. We suggest you request a written contract when purchasing a puppy.
Please check out the links about finding the perfect puppy on our links page found here. Along all the other important information found there.
Contact us for breeder referrals
Disclaimer: While members may make referrals, The Siberian Husky Club of Metropolitan Dallas, does not recommend, promote or guarantee any animals, products or services. Buyers are encouraged to do their own investigations prior to making purchases or engaging services.